Philip L.

Philip L.

Eric represented me when I bought my house in Clarksville in the summer of 2012. I met him through friends quite awhile ago and we looked for awhile. Well, we looked for a really long time. We started looking in 2007 and I wasn't sure that the market was the best time to buy. I turned out to be right and am happy that I waited to buy. We looked a little in 2008 but started really looking again in 2010. We put in probably 5 offers and contracted one other house, which I backed out of because it was going to be way more work than I wanted to put into a house. The house I ended up buying is great for me. There's some improvements I can make, but I don't really have to do anything. It's on one of the best streets in the neighborhood.

I can't rate Eric's performance highly enough. He's obviously very patient and is absolutely not pushy at all. He knows central Austin extremely well, as we were looking in Clarksville, Tarrytown, Barton Hills, Travis Heights, & Bouldin Creek. When it was time to negotiate, he let me know what to expect & what was reasonable. He helped me through the inspection and through the loan process. Very recently, he's recommended a good a/c guy when my heater went out. I'm more than satisfied with his services. He doesn't really seem like a salesperson at all, but more like he's just helping me through the transaction.