Cameron G.

Cameron G.

To whom it may concern;

Ahem... Vicki Duran was an absolute rock star!

Abridged Version: We closed on time at a lower price than expected and could not be happier!

Unabridged Version: As a first time home buyer, she repeatedly handed me answers to questions I hadn't even come up with yet. Then for those few questions that did manage to remain unanswered long enough to leave my mouth, she quickly produced either answers or resources where I could find said answers.

Our home viewing tour that ranged all over the greater North Austin area was exceedingly well organized (everything moved quick, but nothing felt rushed). Then, after we pounced on a new construction, Vicki made herself available to help us review the builder's contract and walked through the property with us for the pre-closing inspection. I'm pretty sure she had some magical surgeon in a far-off land swap her human eyes out for those of a falcon, but I didn't get a good enough look to confirm this.