Amelia V.

Amelia V.

I don't write reviews ever, but Bramlett Realty is worth an exception. I found them on yelp after being very frustrated with my husband's buddy who is a part time realtor / musician. Great guy, but... When picking a realtor, suddenly everyone you know has a friend or family member who does real estate or even better just got their license. JUST SAY NO! This is the most important investment your family will make. We met with 4 agents after we broke up with our first and found Eric. The reviews were right - there is no comparison. He truly is in a league of his own and the absolute most important decision we made during the entire process of buying and selling a home. I was skeptical at first after having been burned so I didn't put all my eggs in one basket right away. It took about a week of working with Eric to see the difference bw him and the others. I was also skeptical bc Eric told me in April that he had closed 80 houses so far this year (the average is 6). I didn't think there was any way he would have time to answer my questions (I had a lot ) or give us the attention we wanted during the process of selling and buying. I have no idea how he does it, but Eric makes you feel like you are his only and most important client. If you text him, you'll hear back in 5 min. If you email him, within 30min and often times he'll call to go through the email with you and make sure all questions are answered. He will remember what you spoke about last week and the week before that. Eric never made me feel dumb for asking even the most minor questions and he never made me feel like he was put out at having to answer them. If it was important to me, it was important to him. I seriously have no idea how he manages to do this for all his clients but I promise you - most agents do not make this time. I worked with several "top agents" who passed me off to their assistants and didn't return a single phone call or email past the initial visit. Beyond his availability and personal attention lies Eric's greatest asset as a realtor: you build people and people build a business. He is not out to get what he can (get you in a house way over max budget for max commission and sell yours for cheap so he can get it sold in 1 day). He worked with us as if we were family. If you want a realtor who is going to be a yes man and tell you exactly what you want to hear then Eric isn't the one for you. He will give you the truth even when it's ugly and I value that greatly. It saved us many times! Again, most agents won't. Eric is extremely knowledgeable about all Austin neighborhoods and schools. It's nuts. I was shocked when I asked him about a very specific neighborhood in Round Rock and he was able to tell me the elementary school by name and which high schools were rated the best in the area and then do it again for 5 other neighborhoods I was considering. Most agents know the area they live in and have to research others on the internet and get back to you. He is a plethora of information and not just about real estate. He "has a guy" for everything. Need a window fixed? Eric knows the cheapest and best. Need a new air conditioner? Eric has a guy from San Marcos that can get you the same unit installed for 2k less. Seriously, anything you need done, he can point you in the right direction and follow through with you to make sure you we're able to get an appt etc. Actually, he set up most of the appointments himself even. He went above and beyond over and over again.
This man negotiates the bejesus out of a contract. It's such an important part of the process! We negotiated the sale of our new house to the bone and when it came time to negotiate repairs etc on our old house, Eric somehow got a $40,000 list of repairs down to $500. I'm serious. Most of it was pointing out an inspectors mistakes, but Eric took the time to send the buyers source after source via good old google proving their inspector was in the wrong again and again. Most agents would not take the time to do that, nor would they have the knowledge. He has a way of making the other party (buyers or sellers) feel like he is being fair, equitable and reasonable - mostly because he is. Eric was also able to talk my husband and I down from a ledge many, many times when we were anxious, ready to walk or in a rush to hurry things along.
Lastly, Eric's team is stellar. His Assistant, Bailey, took me to see a dozen houses or more with a smile on her face, at the drop of a hat and on my schedule! She brought me furniture to stage my house to sell, flyers etc. She is extremely efficient, knowledgable and if that weren't enough - a super kind and caring person who my toddler fell in love with instantly. Eric also has a stager (invaluable) and a professional photographer whom he pays for when he sells your home. It makes a huge difference. Again, Bramlett Realty is the most important and best decision we made in the whole process.